East Columbia 50+ Center Victory

On March 7, we celebrated a wonderful victory at the long-awaited ribbon cutting of the East Columbia 50+ Center!

PATH played a key role in winning the final funding (after years of delay) in the county budget for this center, addressing long-term inequity for the seniors of East Columbia.

An excited crowd of over a hundred Howard County seniors gathered at the ceremony.

Check out press coverage from the Guilford Gazette, the Daily Record, and the Baltimore Sun.

The Rev. Tyrone P. Jones, IV, addressed the crowd:

“Before, the cramped East Columbia senior center was used by more seniors than any other, and served more people people of color than any other, but had remained in limbo, a reminder of inequity in our community… Today is a day that rights a few wrongs that have gone on for too long in our county. Today is a day when our seniors in Howard County win.”

One of PATH’s leaders, Ms. Pearl, was recognized as playing a key role in the campaign to build the senior center.

Many PATH leaders came to celebrate.

The event featured a group of Soul Line Dancers from the senior center, as well as a Tai Chi demonstration.

Congratulations to everyone who organized to help make this victory possible!


PATH March Newsletter


Statewide Advocacy Day